The software package Libra calculates your optimal recipe, tests it against the strict quality requirements and automatically adapts your labels.
- Recipe optimization
- Quality control
- Automatic labelling
Typical for the batch-oriented industry is a continuously changing composition of the production, depending on quality, availability and price of the raw materials. This leads to unique challenges for the formulation, quality control and labelling of your recipes.
How does Libra work?
Optimal recipe
Libra keeps a clear overview with a user-friendly interface and defines the most optimal recipe, so you stay ahead of the challenges of formulation. With Libra, you can also calculate the most efficient logistic flows.
Price simulation
But there is more: combined with the risk & trading module of Operra, you can simulate the impact on product composition through multi-period calculations. This way you can forecast end product prices.
This software thus supports your pricing process in settling long-term contracts for end product sales.
Food quality experiences strict controls. Libra offers help here as well. It contains modules for:
- Quality analysis and control
- Lab management
- Entire integration with recipe optimization
The result: a conclusive traceability of parties and a continuous testing of the analyzed values in the lab against the required/known qualities within the recipe optimization.
(Online) labelling
Flexibility is key within the agro industry. Not only in product range, but also in delivery times. This is initiated by the customer, defining more and more often the product composition and demanding shorter delivery times. Labels need to be adapted as well.
Therefore, Libra contains a module which automatically modifies labels based on the varying composition. The module can be set up online as well, offering an even higher transparancy and flexibility to the customers.